Advertising is the leading Muslim women lifestyle blog and caters to an audience of passionate young trendsetters, both culturally and socially. We attract and cultivate an international community of conscious women that are enthusiastic members of society. We also have established collegiate chapters on university campuses across the country that host student involvement and events. With an active audience of predominantly 15-29 year old women, readers seek a positive and innovative brand experience. offers a variety of promotional opportunities such as banner advertising, sponsored posts, product placement, and reviews of unparalleled quality and relevance to our audience — including tens of thousands of followers across our social networks.

We may provide original images, videography, or other supplementary elements that will energize your advertising. We tailor all requests to a fusion of text and visuals that is sure to capture attention and effectively deliver your message in a way that our readers will enjoy and benefit from.

Contact us for a copy of our Partner Media Kit today!

For advertising inquiries, email Amani at