Pinterest, @aufawardina

How Allah Showed up for Me When I Was at My Lowest

Some may call it a miracle, and some may call it simply Allah doing His work. I call it both. To begin with, I am 41, white, and have been practicing Islam for about six months now. Practicing this religion was my choice. I always believed in God and witnessed many prayers being answered when…


This Is a Great Way to Understand the Concept of Hasad

Envy, or hasad, as it is referred to in surah al-Falaq, is something we ask Allah SWT to protect ourselves from, whether it is having others feel that way towards us or feeling that way ourselves. A little while ago, I taught Sunday school at a masjid for over eleven years, first as an assistant…


Here’s Why Weight Loss Isn’t Your Ultimate Solution

TW: mention of eating disorders. I remember looking in the mirror without my glasses on, and just seeing a big, blurry fuzz. I was happier like that. I was glad I couldn’t see my body — tree trunk arms, thighs that wobbled at any slight movement, and a stomach that hung grossly over the waistband…


This Is What Taqwa Means, in Case You Were Wondering

Taqwa is the state in which a believer is constantly conscious of not committing a sin or an action that would earn him or her the wrath of Allah (swt). Taqwa is when a believer is cognizant of the Almighty’s decrees and remains alert to avoid any actions prohibited in the teachings of Islam. Taqwa is when…


8 Things to Remember in Times of Hardship

In distressing times, we may find ourselves asking the proverbial question: why me? It might seem like our whole world is beginning to fall apart. But, what we must always remember is that these trials and tribulations are the signs of a deep love Allah harbors for his servants. Calamities are good for the believer in…


A Marriage of Compromise

I made the first compromise of my marriage before I was even married. Had you asked me four years ago where I thought I would be in my life right now, I would have given you an answer that in no way would have reflected my current situation. I had big plans to move to New York by…


When In Salaat: 8 Ways to Increase Focus During Prayer

Show of hands: who has trouble focusing during prayer? The first step to conquering a problem is realizing there is one, right? The five daily prayers shouldn’t be a quick jumble of Arabic words and physical movements thrown together for a span of a few minutes. But with our minds in 20 places at once,…


The Person who Founded the (first ever!) University was a Muslim Woman

Fatima al-Fihri isn’t a household name, but she should be, because she founded the world’s first University (which, incidentally, is still thriving today). She was born in Tunisia into a wealthy family; her father was a successful businessman. She also had one sister named Mariam (it is unclear if her mother died young). They were…


Think Not of Creation, but the Creator

Straight. Uncomplicated. Simple. If I had to describe my relationship with God in three words, these would be it. A couple of years ago, I found myself struggling with a bad case of friendsickness (which is like homesickness, except that you miss your friends all the time). ‘Till this day, I’m still not sure how…


A Secret Garden, A Beautiful Sign

Remember that old game from elementary and middle school? “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing _____.” One person fills in the blank with a food that begins with the letter A, say apples. The next person adds an item beginning with the letter B, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing apples…


Victims of the Media

The Boston bombings were a dark tragedy, without question. They represented a moral failing that we so often forget is present in the thread of daily life, and three people lost their lives. Although the occurrence was probably the most talked about news item this week, very little attention was given to the victims of…


Candy Bars, the Hijab, and Empowerment

“A man asked a Muslim man: Why do your women cover their bodies and their hair? The Muslim man smiled and took two sweets, he opened one and kept the other closed. He threw them both on the dirty floor and then asked: If I asked you to take one of the sweets, which one…


Who Defines Liberation?

Liberation has always been a hot topic. Liberation isn’t an ideal, but a journey; it means to break the inevitable chains of societal norms and to rise above whatever causes one pain or hardship. For Muslim women living in Western society, it is particularly hard to decide where to turn when the question of liberation…